I am filling an order for an amazing store on South Park Street in Halifax. "P'lovers, the Environmental Store." ( www.plovers.net ) I had filled orders for this amazing store over a decade ago with very satisfying retail success. Life at that time became very busy with the fun of a growing family of four children taking precedence over my time to focus on my artwork. The youngest is twenty now so here I am..filling an order for this wonderful store.
At the expense of my garden full of weeds and my house knee-deep in dog hair and dust. I have been rooted to my work table. The orders are coming fast and furious as there have been calls from other venues as well. Last week there were a number of pieces added to the Crafter's Room inventory. I had made nests with chickadees and their tiny eggs and they are so coveted that they are heading to five different venues. Cute, they are so cute, so guess I understand!
The little mermaid from a previous blog is on her way to Santa Barbara, CA. The lovely gal who will receive her has placed an order earmarked for a Sunday school lesson on the "Creation" story from the Bible,..Imagine the possibilities there, so of course I can't wait to get started. She is getting me started on an initial four pieces but with myriad "birds of the air",.. "creatures of the sea" and .."animals large and small who will dwell in the dry land" the possibilities are mind boggling! My excitement at this time goes beyond words, you can be certain..
Another two orders have come from very different venues. The first is an historical village set in the '40s in Lake Charlotte N.S. It is a growing, hands-on, amazing site called Memory Lane ( www.heritagevillage.ca ). There is also a focus on local genealogy there and attendance and attention to this nostalgic rural treasure is on the upswing. Have a look at their site and visit while you are in the area. I will soon have sheep and chickens and cats and kittens in their gift shop and gallery. It's a great spot and I will be thrilled to have inventory there.
The second is the spot near and dear to me as I created signage, displayed and sold artwork at the Tourist Trap and worked there as a cook for several years. I love the young proprietress, Holly, as though she were one of my own.
You know the saying, "It never rains but it pours." Well that's how its been, literally and figuratively. We've had our first tropical storm of the season and buckets full of rain and fog. I have had a torrential downpour of exciting orders, all at once. Needless to say, the pace is dizzying. I have a few private commissions to fill as well so forgive me if cyberspace is quiet for a bit, as I will need to catch up to my orders. I'll take lots of pictures and post anything new and exciting when I have some breathing room......
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