Saturday, 11 May 2013

A Mermaid's Tale...? Most Aptly, "The Rime of the Aching SaltyHag"

      It surely has been a stretch, busy and sometimes lucrative but most accurately, a long, long stretch!  I must apologize and confess my embarrassment at being presumptuous enough to say I would craft a figure a day until I'd encompassed the alphabet and then proceed to fail so miserably. 

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      Life, as they say, had other plans. I have been in the midst of many things.  A lovely trip to North Carolina with most of my precious and wonderful family, a brief getaway to  Boscawen Inn in Lunenburg with my spouse, prepping Isaac's  hundreds of daylilies and the vegetable garden and navigating the shifting and unpredictable quicksand that is planning long term care for an aging parent. 

      In and around all of that, the small needle felted critters that I so enjoy creating have been selling rather quickly at the Crafter's Room. The growing number of collectors have commissioned some work as well.  What suffered in the process was taking time to write my blog and having the presence of mind to photograph the pieces I did complete. The opportunity is lost as they have gone to new homes through the shop.  I did capture this teeny sheep, who now resides with his friends big white sheep, big brown booty sheep and my younger brother and his darling wife of 29 years. 

      Also, here is a tiny chickadee minus his little dirty birdy feet, (..they're coming just as soon as i find a suitable gauge of wire to  fashion appropriate tiny ones as the previous felted ones looked way too "Foghorn Leghorn" to be taken seriously.)

      The piece for today, this wretchedly foggy May 11th is  "M"  for Mermaid. I love her. I was asked to create her for one of the lovely folks who buy my pieces. She may have had in mind something larger.  This one is,  maybe, 10"  long if you stretched out her tail. But I won't be upset if I get to keep her!

       It was fun to tackle  this one as I haven't dealt with flowing hair yet,..or surfaces an thin as her tail. Since they all come out of my funny little brain instead of a pattern book each one is a new "first".  Right now , I've just come in from the garden, grubby and salty and haggard as you might assume, but at the end of the day this parting silhouette of the tiny sculpture makes me eager to sit and do the next piece...

      Stay with me, I will post again as soon as I can! 

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