You have to bear in mind that they are very simple compositions You can really only charge a minimum fee for a greeting card to keep it in a sellable range. With that in mind, I try to spend under an hour on each one. I draw them on archival quality cardstock so that if one seems to urge me to spend more time and carry it further, it can be matted and framed and sold as an artwork instead.

pets and other critters.
The sky's the limit I suppose and I've already had orders for weddings birthdays and the like. As well, they feature the favorite themes of those for whom they are intended. The most random request was a "Star Wars" theme. ( Shoulda scanned that one, it wasn't half bad...) Anyway, here's a sample pack. Enjoy!! :)
Hi Jan,
ReplyDeleteLove your cards! You are such a talent...those artistic Aucoin genes did us good ! I think Aunt Yvonne is still doing some painting as well. I'm getting ready to exhibit in the Windsor Harvest Art Festival during the Pumpkin Regatta Oct 12-14...should be a lot of fun! John & I are planning to do another day trip to Jeddore to the crafters' store...looking for a quilt for our 3rd bedroom....and I know the quilts there are beautiful! When we do, I'll let you know. Keep creating!