My old encyclopedias state that "according to Western church tradition, Balthazar is often represented as a king of Arabia, Melchior as a king of Persia, and Gaspar as a king of India." These names apparently derive from a Greek manuscript probably composed in Alexandria around 500 A.D., and which has been translated into Latin."
At that time. I had created two or three sets of these fellows and other pieces featuring the characters of the nativity. As well, I crafted pieces for a sister-in-law who collected snow men and another who collected "Father Christmases". When you're artistic, it's a safe bet that everyone will want a masterpiece for Christmas.
These two were the last of the bunch that year but my two littlest men were a two year old and a newborn. Time was at a premium and Pampers and pablum won the fight.
As I begin, two decades later, to formulate a plan to present papier mache sculpture as a workshop, it's in the works to finally create that last fellow. Gaspar needs to catch up with his buddies and their reunion is long overdue.
I promise a "step by step" blog when he finally comes into being and hopefully some other pieces as well. I'm still getting my head around how to present the sculpture as a workshop as many pieces build and dry in stages. Other pieces slap together in one session like the sun shown below.
Some simpler pieces, like the sheep below, were just a few steps. Though it was some time ago, I remember schmucking a layer of mash on two upside down bread pans, adding legs in the first step to one of them and leaving a neck hole in the other. Slow drying both in a low oven. Sticking the two together and drying it again. The head was originally made to come off because he was a Sunday school collection jar. Adults thought it was morose but the kids thought it was hilarious. He's as old as the hills but i couldn't resist including him.
Lots of years and lots of fun later, I can't wait to share more projects with you. I'm still waging a battle to equip myself. I have prepared a nice long blog with the "How-tos" of handmade paper. My son returned my camera and charger, which spent six months on an Australian adventure with he and his best girl. So, last week I took oodles of "how-to" pictures. However, I think my USB cable stayed in Wollongong or Yamba or Tazmania because it didn't make it back to me!!
My next blog needs its pictures pronto! A trip to the Sony store is in order. Please stay tuned!!